The Clovis High and Clark Intermediate Instrumental Music Programs are proud to present their 2021 outdoor concert series:
Jazz Concert & Awards
Monday, May 3 • 7:00pm • CHS Amphitheater
Band Concert & Awards
Friday, May 7 • 7:00pm • CHS Black tops/Wrenwood 1 & JV Baseball Field
Orchestra Concert & Awards
Tuesday, May 11 • 7:00pm • CHS Black tops/Wrenwood 1 & JV Baseball Field
Guard Recital & Awards
Wednesday, May 19 • 7:00pm • CHS Amphitheater
Clovis High and Clark Intermediate Instrumental Music Programs will follow all California Department of Public Health (CDPH) in-person guidelines.
- Attendees must be household members of the musician.
- Attendees will sit with their own household members, bring your own lawn chair or blanket.
- To comply with the large gathering capacity regulations, up to 4 family members will be allowed to attend per musician, based on household members. If families can show proof of completed COVID-19 vaccination, they may be eligible for an additional 2 tickets.
- The concerts will be live-streamed for those who are unable to attend in-person.
- Family groups will be separated by 6-feet of distancing.
- All attendees must wear a mask and maintain social distancing.
- All attendees should self-screen for fever or COVID-19 symptoms before leaving home for the event.
Our Instrumental Music Programs will hold high expectations for all performers and attendees to follow these guidelines. Our goal is to create a memorable and safe concert experience for our musicians and their families. As more details evolve, we will continue to keep you updated via email, text and social media.